Numerous parents, alumni, and people in different walks of life have been anonymously supporting the development of BLMCSS. In order to inform you of our changes and needs as well as to express our gratitude for your silent nurturing, we have been publishing “Advancement” newsletter since 2014 to tell you all who care about BLMCSS our latest information.
2014/15 - 2023/2024 Summary of the Campus Enhancement Project Plan 1.0
We launched the Campus Enhancement Project Plan in the 2014/2015 academic year, which will last for 10 years and be carried out in two phases. The aim is to prepare the hardware for teaching and learning in the 21st century. For more details, please refer to the overview table below.
Fundraising Activities 2022 - 2023
2022.12 Dress Casual Day Fundraising Activity
2023.3.3 45th Anniversary Walkathon
2023.7 45th Anniversary Musical
Fundraising Activities 2021 - 2022
2021.12 Dress Casual Day Fundraising Activity
Fundraising Activities 2020 - 2021
2020.12 Dress Casual Day Fundraising Activity
Fundraising Activities 2019 - 2020
2020.03.18-08.31 LMC Auditorium Seat naming for alumni and "Books for Arts" Scheme
Fundraising Activities 2018 - 2019
2019.07 40th Anniversary Fundraising Musical (more PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
2018.12.20 40th Anniversary Fundraising Walkathon (more PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
Fundraising Activities 2017 - 2018
2018.05.28 "Piggy Bank Donation" Prize Giving Ceremony
2018.02.28 "Form 1 Flea Market" Fundraising Activity
2018.03.08 "Piggy Bank Donation Second Round" Fundraising Activity
2017.12.21 "Piggy Bank Donation Dress Causal Wear Day" Fundraising Activity
2017.11.04 "The 40th Anniversary banquet (more photos and video)
Fundraising Activities 2016 - 2017
2017.05.31 "Piggy Bank Donation" Prize Giving Ceremony
2017.02.22 "Form 1 Flea Market" Fundraising Activity
2017.02.08 "Piggy Bank Donation Second Round" Fundraising Activity
2016.12.22 "Piggy Bank Donation Dress Causal Wear Day" Fundraising Activity
Fundraising Activities 2015 - 2016
2016.02.26 "One Heart One Dream - Walkathon 226" Fundraising Activity (more PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
2015.12.23 "One Heart One Dream - Dress Casual Day" Fundraising Activity
2015.10.16 Kick-off Ceremony for the New Annex Fundraising Campaign (more PHOTOS)
- By crossed cheque (Payable to "The Incorporated Management Committee of Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School")